Health is Malleable

The idea of health being malleable is fascinating to me because it means that with the right motivation and habits we can increase the amount of time we have on this earth. Our health and physical capabilities are directly affected by the choices we make every day....


Brian Anguiz

2/26/20242 min read

Health is Malleable

"Life was designed to give us what we deserve, not what we need”

- Jim Rohn

The message behind the title of this article is what motivated me to create Universal Progress. The idea of health being malleable is fascinating to me because it means that with the right motivation and habits we can increase the amount of time we have on this earth. Our health and physical capabilities are directly affected by the choices we make every day. I understand that at any moment we may get struck down by a bolt of lightning or a meteor may fall from the sky, but from my experience the universe has a good track record of having mercy on the average human. The great news about health is that we can do certain things that can absolutely move the needle in our favor. The goal of every one of us still above ground should be to identify these levers and start pulling them!

If you had one week left and someone proposed a method that would give you another year on this earth, you would do anything to receive this gift. We assume that growing old involves becoming completely decrepit and unable to perform basic functions of day-to-day living, yet there are plenty of older adults who travel, take care of their grandchildren, and even do more extreme things like go to amusement parks and play sports.

Dying young or growing old and fragile is one way to leave this planet, but taking charge of your health at an early age and taking back control of your life is a much better option. I cannot guarantee that God has a different plan for you, but I do know there are basic healthy habits that statistically can mold your life into a longer more satisfying experience. Activities that increase your health span will often simultaneously increase your life span.

The question that everyone should be asking themselves daily is, "how can I give my future self-more time?” Another important question is, "what do I want to be able to do when I grow old?" Without a doubt you can produce a brief list of healthy habits and activities you can perform on a daily/weekly basis to ensure that you reach this goal. If you need any help, please reach out to me and I will be happy to discuss these questions and help you find answers for free!